Monday, February 24, 2014

Internet for children and teenagers

Of courser now Internet is widespread and it is important for people to get some information, besides it is an easier way. But it can also do harm , especially to children and teenagers.
 Nowadays children are spending hours sitting in front of the computer, busy with some not important stuff. They are chatting in social pages, playing games and spoiling their eyes.
 Now children don't understand how harmful it is.
 Parents should be careful and not to let their children to be busy with computer for a long time. They also forget about their lessons.
In some cases internet is important for getting information you need, especially for your lessons.
They should know how to use it properly ,not wasting time.
They are using internet not only on computer but also with their phone, ipads etc. When they are in front of the computer they don't even understand how the time goes on.
 It is not only harmful for children but also adults. Sometimes they also are sitting in front of the computer, using internet and forget about their work, some other staff they need to do.
I am using internet very often. Both for lessons, and also playing a lot of games. I know that i should use it less. Because of it sometimes i forget about my lessons or don't have any time to do them.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Junk food vs Healthy food

Nowadays children and teenagers prefer eating junk food more than healthy food, because junk food is tastier. They think healthy food can't be tasty , but they are mistaken. There is a plenty of both tasty and healthy food. Junk food can be dangerous for kids ,it is useless,  it also polutes the envirenment.
 There are also a lot of advertisments on junk food , which are supposed to be shown to children . Children get attracted to any kind of junk food easily, and ask their parents to buy it for them, sometimes they do it themselves and eat the unhealthy food without their parents even knowing about that. I consider that adverts on junk food must be banned. 
For example i remember a Nestle advertisment in wich is said "Even healthy can be tasty". In my view it is very creative slogan, and it is true.
It seems like, the food seems tastier when we know it is not healthy.
There are also adverts on toys or some childish stuff, to which kids also get attracted easily, but that kind of adverts shouldn't be banned, because actually toys aren't dangerous for children. But unhealthy food is really dangerous and can do harm, so it is not usefull. It cantains a lot of salt, sugar, calories. It is now available for all countries, it is widely spread all over the world. We see junk food wherever we go, in alsmost every shop. Junk food can also lead to overeating, because every time you eat you get a desire to eat more and more every time. 
Junk food includes cheap burgers, unhealthy sandwiches, chips, fried chickens, french fries,some kind of pizza(e.g.pepperoni), hot dog,some drinks also as coca-cola, pepsi, fanta, lemonade etc. 
I think there are more adverts on junk foods than on healthy foods, because advertisers know that children are attracted to junk food. Anyway there should be a lot of creative advertisments on healthy food to get children's and teenagers' attention, that can be both healthy and tasty. Parents should teach their children to healthy food eating habbits since preschool years, as they get older it is even more difficult to change their habbits.Anyway that doesn't mean children should never eat any kind of junk food, mostly thay must eat healthy food, but rarely they can also try some chips, sandwiches etc. But today it has become a common problem, as they want to it only some kind of junk food.
There are still some healthy food that aren't tasty. But there are also delicious healthy food.
I myself like eating junk food, and to say the truth i eat it often. But now i understand how problematic it can be, so i will try to eat less unhealthy, and more healthy and tasty food. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Forest Ecosystem

Forest Ecosystem

File:Daintree Rainforest.JPG

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the non-living components of their environment. Living organisms are animals, birds mammals, plannts,fungi, insects etc. Non-living components are water, air, minerla soil, wind, which greatly affect different plants, animals, fungi etc. Those living organisms are called biotic, and non-living ones abiotic. 
 Trees are important components of forest research. 
There are 3 types of organisms in a forest ecosystem. They are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Herbivores eat only plants, carnivores eat meat and herbivores. And omnivores eat both plants and meat. 
Organisms, living in a forest ecosystem, are connected with each other with food web., which consists of some similiar food chains. 
Animals can't convert sunlight to energy, so they are dependant on trees and plants, and do that process through photosynthesis,in which sunlight energy is converted to  sugars in plants, kind of organisms, called producers. Animals can also hunt on other animals as a source of food, this kind of animals are known as predators.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Corruption(in Armenia and other countries)

Corruption is the abuse of public power for private gain. One of the ways of corruption is bribing. Bribing means giving gifts to some special poeple. Actually when you give a gift as a bribe you don't care about that person, you care about yourself, expecting something special from that person, and of course it is illegal.
There have been caught a lot of cases of different ways of corruption in our country. Now it is widespread in Armenia. It has become a problem for our country's development. I think there is more corruption in Armenina than in other countries. The most common way is bribing. But there is also another common way of corruption, when jobs are given to friends, family members or other relatives. This may really cause a lot of harm to the country, becauese businessmen prefer giving jobs to their acquaintances or relatives, even if they are not qualified. If they don't know the right way to work, it can be useless for the country and government, but rather useful for the ones who gave them the job.
This is a really common problem, not only in Armenia, but all over the world. And such cases happen frequently. The reasons are getting favour, money, something special from a special person(in cases of a bribing) etc. And of course the consequences are awful, e.g. it is illegal so the person will be arrested, careers will be ruined,,,and so on.
For example if i could help my friends or relatives to get a job, i will only do in case if they really can manage to do the job right. And i will do that , of course, in a fair way so it won't do harm neither to the government, nor to my career.