Monday, March 17, 2014

What does family mean to you?

Family means everything to me.  I can't imagine my life without my family.
Family is the group of people, who will always love, respect, help and encourage you in every situation.  Family members can also be not your relatives: by your blood...but your relatives by soul.
Family members are the poeple, who will understand you...while others will throw you away from their life for the reason, that everyone hates you, or if you are in a bad situation. TRUST NO ONE BUT FAMILY.
Seriously, my relatives are the only ones whom i can completely trust in every thing, every situation.

Of course i also trust my really good friends in some cases, but i can completely trust my family without no doubt in every case, because i know they are the only ones who will be completely sincere with me. They can  say things, sometimes, that hurt me, make me angry etc, but one of the most important things that i appreciate in this life, is honesty. I am glad to hear what people really think about me. So i am also very honest to people...i say the truth, and sometimes i can be rude, but i say what i really think.
Therefore family means love, honesty, kindness...and i can list a lot of other things, but every one knows what family really means to them.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Authentic self expression

I find this video rather interesting, i have enjoyed it. It  is also very useful for the ones who have problems with self expression.
First of all i learned that this world doesn't need another Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, it needs each of us, with all our talents.
 It is mentioned that in every situation we daily use self expression. E.g. changing our clothes, sharing ideas, posts. Every single thing is a way of self expression. And maybe it has become a habbit for us , and we do that actions without having a porpose to make a self expression...or we think we SHOULD do that. It is now challenging to learn the difference between self expressions and actions we do , thinking, we should do that. 
How we can make the world a better place with our self expressions?  So another question do we do that, and whether it is realistic to do all that actions in 24 hours or not?
First of all we need to make less sound in our life. Every kind of a sound. To turn off the voices, wich really bother us...or just turn off the sound of a TV, music...and enjoy silence.
We also need to set boundaries. That means to show up for people, jobs and events that let us come from an authentic place. It is considered to say NO in some cases and situations, because every time saying NO to something we say YES to anything else.
The third one is saying NOT MY STORY... we create our stories ourselves, we decide how to act, whether to have a tragedy or an advanture but we are always the heroes. We are the authors of our story.
Of course for making the world...YOUR world a better place you need to lighten up, take everything easy and enjoy life. We work hard on a lot of things, get stressed out to succeed. But at first we should realise that can find our success by enjoying life...that is the MAIN SUCCESS. And do what we really want to do, and what we enjoy the most and don't care about what others will think or say. We should create and find our happiness ourselves. Try to find happiness even in a loss, and be happy in a situation, in which you have never tried to find a happiness before. People consider that the right thing is the hardest think,,,but i have always thought...what if we can have what we want in an easy way...because that's us, who make everything more difficult in this life.
We choose between a lot of things, and no one can blame us for that, neither we can, we choose what we want. It is our life and our choices. 
The next one is Commas vs. Periods? We need to have a pause, break, to breathe and compose.
Express not impress. When we walk into this world to impress we walk into this world with a desire to GET. Get likes, get a job, get success etc. But when we walk into this world to express we are expressing love, kindness, forgiveness...everything that we think we can give to the world ourselves. You will GIVE and will GET even more. You should always ask yourself a question in every action(when you communicate, post ideas or pictures) i trying to express or impress?
Don't expect to be perfect and get what you want at once, live for yourself not for anyone else. Even the presentor of the show claimed that she has not always been self-esteem.She told, that she had a period in her life, when she tried to impress mostly.
I am so glad, i have watched this video, this helped me a understant that life is given to us for making it better for ourselves. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What a girl wants(movie)

Whatagirlwants.jpgThere was a 17 year old girl, called Daphne. She lived with her mother in New York, and worked as a wedding-servant in a restaurant, seeing different girls dancing with their fathers. Seventeen years ago her mother left her father, because his family didn't approve their relationship. His father, then, was married with another woman, they lived with the woman's child.
Daphne's father didn't know about his daughter and was shocked, when learned, that Libby(Daphne's mother) had kept that secret from him.
 Daphne decided to go and find her father, who was a political famous figure at that time and lived in New-York with his new family.
While visiting a hotel, she met a boy , called Ian and they became friends, Then suddenly she saw her father on TV, and told Ian, that it was her father.
She secretly rushes into her father's house and when she was caught she had to tell the truth. At first Henry(Daphne's father) didn't belive her, but then he accepted her and let her to stay at their house.
His wife and her daughter didn't like Daphne. but she did everything to be close to her father and get to know him better.
She and Ian fell in love with each other.
Daphne did a lot of crazy things, and enjoyed her life in London. But later her father started to judge her for her not being serious. She left her old style, and began to act more seriously. Later she appeared in a newspaper.
But later she understood that that was not who she really was. She returned to America, and continued working as a servant. In one of her working days her father and Ian appeared and surprised her. She danced with her father and was very happy and excited. Henry apologised for everything and promised her to accept her as she really was.
Henry also realized that he still loved Libby and they got married, being sure that that time everything was legal.
Daphne did not get to NYU, but entered Oxford.
Since then Daphne, Ian, her mother, father and grandmother lived happily together.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Luxury or necessity?

Nowadays there are a lot of differences between rich and poor people. Of course their life is not the same, but they are all humans. Maybe a poor one can not buy an expensive car, or a house or anything he/she wants at that moment , but they all live in the same way, they all breathe, talk, see, hear,etc and they all are the same people , whom God created. And of course they were not created just to make money and only think about money, but to help each other and care about each other.It's a pitty a  lot of people don't understand that nowadays and rich people think, that if they have money they are better than the ones, who don't have the ability to live in a luxury.
Besides the poor and rich, there is also a middle one, neither too rich, not too poor. And i think it is the best option.
People, who have plenty of money, and don't even know what to spend them on, are often selfish. Poor people, who are going through a lot of difficulty, are more careful and caring. Of course not all rich ones are like that. There are still ones who appreciate their money, and are thankful to God for what they have.
Anyway i think all people are the same in some way. E.g. if that poor one were richer, maybe he/she would act the same way. Other way round the rich one would. 
So it depends on the person him/herself. A person must always appreciate what they have, whether they are too rich or poor.
Luxury is something people don't really need but desire. Nesessity is something that you need, something people buy not to show-off. Rich people have a lot of money, so at first they buy necessity, staff they really need, and than when they don't know what to spend them on, they buy a lot of luxury, just to show-off. For rich people having luxury, is a must today.
The most suprising , is that nowadays even not so rich people have luxury, expensive stuff. Maybe they don't buy necessity, but they think they MUST have the luxury, and then don't have enough money for necessity, because it seems like luxury has become necessity today.
People often crave for living in luxury, having expensive things, lots of money. And i crave for the time, when they all realise that luxury should be in every person's soul, not in their pockets.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Internet for children and teenagers

Of courser now Internet is widespread and it is important for people to get some information, besides it is an easier way. But it can also do harm , especially to children and teenagers.
 Nowadays children are spending hours sitting in front of the computer, busy with some not important stuff. They are chatting in social pages, playing games and spoiling their eyes.
 Now children don't understand how harmful it is.
 Parents should be careful and not to let their children to be busy with computer for a long time. They also forget about their lessons.
In some cases internet is important for getting information you need, especially for your lessons.
They should know how to use it properly ,not wasting time.
They are using internet not only on computer but also with their phone, ipads etc. When they are in front of the computer they don't even understand how the time goes on.
 It is not only harmful for children but also adults. Sometimes they also are sitting in front of the computer, using internet and forget about their work, some other staff they need to do.
I am using internet very often. Both for lessons, and also playing a lot of games. I know that i should use it less. Because of it sometimes i forget about my lessons or don't have any time to do them.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Junk food vs Healthy food

Nowadays children and teenagers prefer eating junk food more than healthy food, because junk food is tastier. They think healthy food can't be tasty , but they are mistaken. There is a plenty of both tasty and healthy food. Junk food can be dangerous for kids ,it is useless,  it also polutes the envirenment.
 There are also a lot of advertisments on junk food , which are supposed to be shown to children . Children get attracted to any kind of junk food easily, and ask their parents to buy it for them, sometimes they do it themselves and eat the unhealthy food without their parents even knowing about that. I consider that adverts on junk food must be banned. 
For example i remember a Nestle advertisment in wich is said "Even healthy can be tasty". In my view it is very creative slogan, and it is true.
It seems like, the food seems tastier when we know it is not healthy.
There are also adverts on toys or some childish stuff, to which kids also get attracted easily, but that kind of adverts shouldn't be banned, because actually toys aren't dangerous for children. But unhealthy food is really dangerous and can do harm, so it is not usefull. It cantains a lot of salt, sugar, calories. It is now available for all countries, it is widely spread all over the world. We see junk food wherever we go, in alsmost every shop. Junk food can also lead to overeating, because every time you eat you get a desire to eat more and more every time. 
Junk food includes cheap burgers, unhealthy sandwiches, chips, fried chickens, french fries,some kind of pizza(e.g.pepperoni), hot dog,some drinks also as coca-cola, pepsi, fanta, lemonade etc. 
I think there are more adverts on junk foods than on healthy foods, because advertisers know that children are attracted to junk food. Anyway there should be a lot of creative advertisments on healthy food to get children's and teenagers' attention, that can be both healthy and tasty. Parents should teach their children to healthy food eating habbits since preschool years, as they get older it is even more difficult to change their habbits.Anyway that doesn't mean children should never eat any kind of junk food, mostly thay must eat healthy food, but rarely they can also try some chips, sandwiches etc. But today it has become a common problem, as they want to it only some kind of junk food.
There are still some healthy food that aren't tasty. But there are also delicious healthy food.
I myself like eating junk food, and to say the truth i eat it often. But now i understand how problematic it can be, so i will try to eat less unhealthy, and more healthy and tasty food. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Forest Ecosystem

Forest Ecosystem

File:Daintree Rainforest.JPG

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the non-living components of their environment. Living organisms are animals, birds mammals, plannts,fungi, insects etc. Non-living components are water, air, minerla soil, wind, which greatly affect different plants, animals, fungi etc. Those living organisms are called biotic, and non-living ones abiotic. 
 Trees are important components of forest research. 
There are 3 types of organisms in a forest ecosystem. They are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Herbivores eat only plants, carnivores eat meat and herbivores. And omnivores eat both plants and meat. 
Organisms, living in a forest ecosystem, are connected with each other with food web., which consists of some similiar food chains. 
Animals can't convert sunlight to energy, so they are dependant on trees and plants, and do that process through photosynthesis,in which sunlight energy is converted to  sugars in plants, kind of organisms, called producers. Animals can also hunt on other animals as a source of food, this kind of animals are known as predators.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Corruption(in Armenia and other countries)

Corruption is the abuse of public power for private gain. One of the ways of corruption is bribing. Bribing means giving gifts to some special poeple. Actually when you give a gift as a bribe you don't care about that person, you care about yourself, expecting something special from that person, and of course it is illegal.
There have been caught a lot of cases of different ways of corruption in our country. Now it is widespread in Armenia. It has become a problem for our country's development. I think there is more corruption in Armenina than in other countries. The most common way is bribing. But there is also another common way of corruption, when jobs are given to friends, family members or other relatives. This may really cause a lot of harm to the country, becauese businessmen prefer giving jobs to their acquaintances or relatives, even if they are not qualified. If they don't know the right way to work, it can be useless for the country and government, but rather useful for the ones who gave them the job.
This is a really common problem, not only in Armenia, but all over the world. And such cases happen frequently. The reasons are getting favour, money, something special from a special person(in cases of a bribing) etc. And of course the consequences are awful, e.g. it is illegal so the person will be arrested, careers will be ruined,,,and so on.
For example if i could help my friends or relatives to get a job, i will only do in case if they really can manage to do the job right. And i will do that , of course, in a fair way so it won't do harm neither to the government, nor to my career.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Advertisment in business

In my opinion advertisment is a good way to earn money, and i consider it useful for the growth of the business, because if there is no advertisment for the product, not a lot of people can know about it. We should get interested in product, to be motivated to go and buy it.

Advertisments should be short(in order not to waste person's time and give odd information, and to be easily remembered), attention-grabbing, creative(and of course not boring), with an eye-catching image and a catchy slogan. To cut a short story long, advertisers need to follow AIDA's formula, in which, A is attention, I is interest, D is desire, A is action. It also must be affective and persuative. Most advertisers prefer making a lot of adverts of toys, junk food, and some childish stuff, to get children's attention. In some countries advertisments like that are not allowed. 

Advanteges of using advertisments are: first of all people all over the world can know about your product, as Mark Twain said, a right kind of advert can make a little thing larger, it can be unusual and exciting for people from other countries, if costumers see the advert a couple of  times they can remember it and be slowly influenced. One of the disadvantages of using adverts, is costing a lot of money. It can be very expensive, especially if advertisers use it on TV.They also have to pay a lot of experts to make an interesting advert for their product. On TV it should be shown nearly five times for a person to remember it. Also advertisments have an influence on people and force them to desire and buy a product, and maybe they don't like it and don't buy it next time, so it is not so productive. Some advertisments can create a misleading impression of their product. Often in advers products are more attractive then they really are.
So here is a conclusion , that disadvantages are much more then advantages.

In my view advertising in Armenia right now is something in middle. A few years ago it was really poor. I don't think it is rather developed now, but not also awful. A huge disadvantage of advertising in Armenia(i am pretty sure not only in Armenia) is that adverts are too long and sometimes boring.

Another way of advertising is sending messeges on random phones. When i get them i don't often read them, but even when i do, it doesn't change anything and i am not getting interested in the product. Maybe i will tell my family members or friends if they are. As i have already said i don't often read them, so i find them boring. 

I am more interested in internet advertising, because i can find them easily. However, to say the truth, i don't get attracted to adverts easily, because the products i need and interested in , can be found in other ways too.